Joseph Wato

Mirriam, a primary health care provider, midwife, administrator and counsellor working from the rural part of Zambia, almost lost her daughter in 2011 to severe malaria. Thankfully she recovered, but the memory still haunts their whole family, and Mirriam herself has also suffered from malaria countless times. Malaria has done more harm to the world. Mirriam has witnessed many lives being lost amongst them children and pregnant women. A single bite from an infected mosquito is all it takes.

Malaria remains a significant cause of illness and death in Zambia. Mirriam sees malaria almost every day at the facility. 29% of children under five are infected each year  in her region where as in the general population it stands at 36%.The waiting room is often overflowing with mothers and caregivers with young children, pregnant women and the elderly which is the population most vulnerable. But the availability of high-quality, inexpensive rapid diagnostic tests, insecticide-treated bed nets, and preventative treatment for pregnant women  – all provided by The Global Fund – have transformed the diagnosis and management of malaria in Zambia, allowing for the rapid prescription of life-saving treatment, particularly for children. The Global Fund’s support has also helped to improve and expand health services to rural facilities like Mirriam’s and helped to reduce infections and death, including for tuberculosis and HIV.

Malaria a health and economic problem needs passionate advocacy and concerted effort to eliminate it, a Malaria Free Zambia/World is possible. “No more lives should succumb to a preventable and treatable disease like malaria.”

"My daughter would not be here if not for The Global Fund, No more lives should succumb to a preventable and treatable disease like Malaria” Equitable and prompt universal access to quality malaria diagnosis, treatment and prevention is what it takes to conquer malaria. All this is being made possible with support from The Global Fund."

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